Monday, February 16, 2009

Bursgagskort til meg ♥ Birthday cards for me

For en uke siden fylte jeg 43 år. Jeg var så heldig å få disse nydelig kortene i posten! Tusen takk snille dere, jeg ble så glad!

A week ago I had my 43rd birthday. I was so lucky to get these beautiful cards in the mail! Thanks a bunch sweet girls, I was so happy to get them!

Fra / from Gry

Fra / from Jorunn

Fra / from Chruss

Fra / from Marianne

Fra / from Lene

Fra / from Anne Smeby Hagen, en god forum venninne / a very good friend from messageboards

Fra / from Hanne


  1. Happy Belated birthday! I hope it was a truly happy one!

  2. Awww these are just gorgeous Aud, i hope that you had a lovely birthday... Crafty hugs Tina

  3. Oh.your work is really lovely..jlaura


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