Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Try It Out Tuesday #10 ~ Cathrine with Butterfly

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The DT challenge this week on Susana's Custom Art & Card Design is to make a card using shades of green and one neutral color.

I used the wonderful Cathrine with butterfly from Anki's Sweethearts for Susana's Custom Art & Card Design, colored with Prismacolor pencils. The sentiment is by Whipper Snapper Designs, and the swirl stamp on the frame is by Stempelglede. I tried my new Spellbinder Nestabilites, Curved rectangles from Susana's shop for the first time, they are great! Flowers by Petaloo, and Mulberry roses, punched butterflies and ferns.

On the company blog Follow Your Heart you can see all the wonderful cards by the rest of the DT ladies!

DT utfordringen på Susana's Custom Art & Card Design denne uken er å lage et kort i grønntoner med en nøytral farge i tillegg.

Jeg brukte den nydeligel Cathrine with butterfly fra Anki's Sweethearts for Susana's Custom Art & Card Design, fargelagt med Prismacolor blyanter. Teksten er fra Whipper Snapper Designs, og swirlstemplet på rammen er fra Stempelglede. Jeg prøvde min nye Spellbinder Nestabilites, Curved rectangles fra Susanas butikk for første gang, de er virkelig flotte! Blomster fra Petaloo, og Mulberry roser, punchede sommerfugler og bregner.

På firmabloggen Follow Your Heart kan dere se de nydelige kortene til resten av DT damene!


  1. Så lekkert med ton-i-ton fargene!

  2. Oi! Så vårlig og herlig! Lurer litt på om jeg må ha den Spellbindersen der også jeg...;=D

  3. Oh Aud, she is just beautiful and looks so very lovely in green! Fantastic job with the challenge.

  4. She`s so beautiful, phantastisch.


  5. Beautiful card luv the image, the greens are fab, sue.x

  6. Aud, she's just stunning! I love the green and the yellow butterflies are perfect! I love all the details you've added. What fun she is! Great job on the challenge!

  7. Ohhh, you know I love this!! Those butterflies are so pretty and go so well with Cathrine!! Gorgeous card!

  8. Gorgeous card! I love the softness of the green you used and I love the framing around the image. Absolutely beautiful! :)
    Hugs, Christine

  9. So lovely Aud--I adore this card! Great shades of greens and the butterflies are perfect embellies!


  10. Hi Aud,
    You have such a way of seeing colors and images that just are amazing. I love how beautiful and unique your creations all are and I love the green imagery here and how it feels :o)
    Hearts and Hugs

  11. Lekker kort med sommerfugler!

  12. This is so pretty, love it with all the butterflies...great color and design! ~Hugs

  13. So sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I love the green and yellow and how you added all the butterfly punchies, what a great job!


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