Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Try it out Tuesday #9 ~ Alicia

First I'd like to let you know that I now officially am a regular DT member at SCACD!
I'm so happy, thrilled and honored that Susana wants me to be a part of the wonderful group of talented and sooo sweet ladies! Thanks a bunch Susana!

The DT challenge this week was to make a card using a great sketch by Suzanne. I used the cute Alicia from Anki's Sweethearts for Susana's Custom Art & Card Design, colored with Prismacolor pencils. The sentiment is by Innovative Stamp Creations, flowers are by Prima Marketing, snowflake punch is by Martha Stewart.
On the company blog Follow Your Heart you can see all the wonderful cards by the rest of the DT ladies!

Remember the Guest Designer Contest over at Susana's blog
Follow Your Heart.

Deadline is March 12th midnight PST.

♥ ♥ ♥

Først vil jeg fortelle at jeg nå offisielt er blitt fast DT medlem på SCACD! Jeg er kjempeglad og beæret over at Susana vil ha meg med på teamet med de talentfulle og kjempehyggelige damene!Tusen takk Susana!

DT utfordringen denne uken var å lage et kort etter den flotte skissen til Suzanne. Jeg brukte den søte Alicia fra Anki's Sweethearts for Susana's Custom Art & Card Design, fargelagt med Prismacolor blyanter. Teksten er fra Innovative Stamp Creations, blomster fra Prima Marketing, snøkrystall punch er fra Martha Stewart.
På firmabloggen Follow Your Heart kan dere se de nydelige kortene til resten av DT damene!

Husk Gjeste designer konkurransen på Susana's blog
Follow Your Heart.


  1. Så kul Aud att du ville vara med. Känns skönt med lite mer Skandinaviska inslag..hihi.... Kramisar + fint kort - Anki

  2. Beautiful Aud...love how you flipped the sketch. What a wonderful creation!

  3. She's beautiful Aud--just lovely in lavender! I absolutely love the flower/snowflake embellishments too--so elegant. Great take on the sketch!


  4. Gratulerer! Skjønner veldig godt at hun ville ha deg med. Du er en mester! Nydelig kort!

  5. Hi Aud,
    This is a stunner of a card!!! Love how all the purples play off each other and the details are awesome!!! Thanks Again for accepting the DT postion as we are very lucky to have ya :o)
    Hearts and Hugs

  6. Hi Aud! Just wanted to stop by and say congratulations on the permanent DT spot for Susana!! Your stuff is beautiful, and the spot is so well deserved!! Your card is darling, too! Just precious!!

  7. Great card...gorgeous tones of purple! the image is so perfectly coloured.
    Congrats on the DT position! You are a talented card maker and it is so well deserved.
    Judy xx

  8. Wow, this is gorgeous! Love the colors and extra details, so cute :)
    Hugs, Christine

  9. Gratulerer som DT !!
    Og kortet ditt er lekkert som vanlig : )

  10. So glad to have you with us all the time! We'll have such a great time creating together! I love this sweetie! You did a beautiful job with her and I love the snow flakes! All the details are just perfect!

  11. Wow....your card is gorgeous and I love the colours!
    Hugs Gisela


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