Saturday, April 04, 2009

Susana's Blog Candy!

Some chocolate for starters =0)

Elisabeth Bell Blog Candy coming to Susana’s (SCACD) store blog, Follow Your Heart on April 6th – 13th!!

Everyday a puzzle piece of the prize will be revealed!

What’s up For Grabs?

A signed print by ©Elisabeth Bell of a “NEW Upcoming Stamp to SCACD”!!

To enter 'stay tuned' on the Follow Your Heart Blog on the 6th for all the details!


  1. Hi Aud!! I just had to stop by and tell you I love the bunnies. Too funny. :) I will have to swing on over to Susana's shop. ;)

  2. Just laughed my butt off! Love these bunnies and all the great candy!

    Hugs to you,



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