Monday, September 21, 2009

Get ready for some fabulous new stamps at SCACD!

Next week, on the 29th of September Susana at SCACD will release not just one - but TWO new mini stamp sets!
Smiley from
One is designed by Elisabeth Bell and the other is designed by Victoria Case, both sets are exclusive at SCACD, and there are even several sentiments along with the images! I can tell you that these new images are wonderful and unique!

There will be sneak peeks and great blog candy at the store blog Follow Your Heart during the weekend (26th -28th), so make sure you stop by to take part!
The blog candy is already revealed over at Follow Your Heart, you can hop over to see what's up for grabs!

So, on the 29th you'll get to see cards with these new stamps on all the DT blogs, and the stamp sets will be available in the shop at 9AM PST (6AM EST), (3PM CET).

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