Sunday, November 08, 2009

Holiday Penguin

First I'd like to give a big, warm hug to all of my visitors! So glad to have you stopping by, thanks a bunch!
Smiley from

Today I made a card with one of my favorite stamps, Holiday Penguin by Whipper Snapper Designs, he's just too cute!

When I was making this card I got to thinking; where would our card making hobby be without all the wonderful cutting devices that are available to us? On this card I used five different ones, QuicKutz leaves, Martha Stewart snowflake, Nellie Snellen flower, Cuttlebug border and Nestabilites label (cutting out the image), including my Fiskars paper cutter, it makes six.

When I look back at the cards I made in the beginning of my "card making career" - I like to think I have developed my skills, and of course I have, but without all these nice tools, my cards would have been pretty plain and dull, I think...

Have a wonderful Sunday now! Smiley from

For all you Elisabeth Bell lovers, there will be a new release
of fabulous fresh images

at the SCACD store this upcoming week!
Smiley from


  1. Fantastiskt härligt och juligt! Så söt Pingvin! Visst är det skoj med alla hjälpmedel! Det jobbiga är bara att man alltid vill ha fler:)


  2. Å hælledussen... han var jo søøøt, og nydelig kort. Ja, hva skulle vi ha gjort uten alle de flotte hjelpemidlene som finnes på markedet... jeg skjønner jo fort at jeg har alt for få når jeg ser hvor masse flott man kan lage med en punch eller fem.... Ha en fin søndag.

  3. I think you are absolutly right. I love all my tools. It's awonderful card. Your colouring is lovely. A big Hug (Knuffel-Dutch) to you Marja

  4. Så flott dette kortet var. Skjønner godt at dette er ett av favorittstempelene, han er jo så skjønn. Den røde fargene du har på papir og blomst er så flott, for meg en skikkelig julefarge.
    Ha en flott uke.
    Klem Gunn :-D

  5. Oh Aud, THis is ADORABLE!!!! Love it and love the colors you have used...
    hugs, janny

  6. Så nyyydelig motiv, virkelig helt kjempeskjønn - lekkert fargelagt. Nydelige farger og masse flotte detaljer - og helt enig - hva skulle man gjort uten alle de punchene/kuttere, jeg bruker sikkert bare 10 % av alle jeg har - men likevel må jeg ha mer ;)

  7. Oh Wow Aud this is a fantastic card. Just love those colours.

  8. Oh this is adorable, beautiful colours and sweet image too.

  9. Wow... Just beautiful. Love this card - the image is adorable but your colouring is wonderful.

  10. Oh, Aud...this card is BEAUTIFUL, and that penguin is precious!!! I love your coloring and how you always choose the most perfect design elements!!! Sugary SWEET:o)


  11. Ååå så herlig og søtt kort!!


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