Friday, January 08, 2010

Friday Sketchers # 84

It's the first challenge at the Friday Sketchers blog this year! Claudia made this fun sketch for us, I really enjoyed making my card! I used the cute Manga Fairy by Sugar Nellie.
To make the big 'star', I adhered QuicKutz diecut hearts on the back of the octagon nestie diecut, the hearts were a perfect size!

Take a look at the wonderful cards made by my DT sisters over at the Friday Sketchers blog, hope you'll find inspiration to make a card and take part in the challenge, there's a great prize to win sponsored by Sunshine's Stamps.


  1. WOW!! This is STUNNING!!!
    Love the colours sweetie.
    hugs, Janiel

  2. Wonderful Card! I love the colours and all the pearls ... great work!

    Have a wonderful weekend hun, Hugs Tanja

  3. Gorgeous card! Love the colors! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  4. omg... i love love love your card dear Aud.
    in fact i have to try that flip with the layers too but what you have done with the fairy and those open wings is just gorgeous

  5. This is so pretty Aud! I love the sweet SN fairy and that star that you made is stunning.
    Have a great weekend sweetie!
    Hugs Jeanette

  6. Oh, Aud!!! She is just darling!!! The colors on this card are sooooo pretty and the pearls add so much to the shapes you have incorporated...Just Beautiful, sweetie....Hugs...Jacque

  7. Your card is fabulous, Tine

  8. What a beautiful card Aud...I wondered how you had created the star...what a great idea!
    Gorgeous colouring and papers too.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Carole x

  9. Gorgeous card, Aud! I love that layout and your colors and coloring are just perfect.
    Hugs, Christine :)

  10. Wow hvad a sød kort den er bare super flot farverne er paint bare super
    Venlig hilsen Tineke

  11. Se der... nå har jeg endelig tatt meg tid til å titte innom deg, Aud, for bl.a. å ønske deg et godt nytt år! Og nå har jeg tittet og sett gjennom en del av det jeg har gått glipp av - masse lekkert og en hel del gode tips!

    Og så har jeg jo ikke fått med meg at du nå er med i DT for FS, så gøy! Et utrolig nydelig kort du har laget, virkelig en flott tolkning av skissa!

    God klem og varm takk for alle de gode ordene du har lagt igjen i bloggen min, de har varmet hjerterota :)

  12. This card is just "peachy"! Lovely! and a very clever adaptation of the sketch! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  13. Aud, this is beautiful!!!!! I just love the colors, and the swirls around the edge, and that sweet sweet image!! Love this!!!


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