Tuesday, March 02, 2010

TIOT # 57 ~ Sweet Bunnie

A fun color challenge this Tuesday at the SCACD DT. We were to use pink, sage/moss green and cream/white. I used the sweet Bunnie image from the Sampler Edition 3 by Elisabeth Bell for SCACD. Colored with Prismacolor pencils and cut out with Nestabilities dies. I played with Magic Mesh, Dottie Ann glitter, punched two large photo corners, I also put Dottie Ann on pink paper and punched the flowers.

On the company blog Follow Your Heart you can see all the wonderful projects by the rest of the DT ladies!

Create your own Animation


  1. Aud! Dette var utrolig flott! Nydelige detaljer og farger.
    Ønsker deg en riktig fin uke.

  2. Nydelig kort og motivet er jo så yndig. Likte veldig godt det du har gjort med blomsten.

    Klem Wenche :0)

  3. Du har lavet en super flot kort igen farverne er so flot og motivet er so sød
    Venlig hilsen Tineke

  4. This is incredible! I love the flowers you used! Absolutely stunning!

  5. Hi Aud
    beautiful card, gorgeous image fabby colouring, luv all the flowers, sue,x

  6. Hi Aud, just wanted to say your cards are awesome!! So fabulous and inspirational, I love them. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Am now following :)

  7. Hei Aud
    Så flott dette kortet var, og fargene er jo bare nydelig. Jeg likte de perlebradsene.
    Jeg må også si at det er en nydelig serie med kort som er kommet siden sist jeg var innom her. Du er så flink med denne type stempel, jeg blir så imponert.
    Ha en fin dag.
    Gunn :-)

  8. Så nydelig kort! Herlige farger og nydelig motiv :)

  9. This is absolutely adorable, Aud, I love your coloring. The flowers are gorgeous and I love the accents in the corner.
    Hugs, Christine

  10. Artig motiv
    Herlig kort ;O)



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