Sunday, August 01, 2010

Summer Candy!

I finally have my vacation, and I'm away in Denmark with my family. There will not be any new cards to see for some time on my blog. I'll bring with me some stamped images and my coloring pencils on our trip, perhaps I can enjoy some quiet time with good book on my earphones and some enjoyable coloring time...
Smiley from

To celebtrate the summer I have this wonderful blog candy for you! A full sheet of beautiful stamps from SCACD, I've attached some cards below that I made with stamps from this collection called Hearts and Hugs - Summer Collection by Victoria Case for SCACD.

All you have to do is to add your link with Mr. Linky, I'm happy if you wish to spread the word, but that's for you to decide. If you do not have a blog, just use the URL to my blog to enter, but then remember to check back to see if you win!
I'll close the candy two weeks from now, on August 15th at 10PM CET.

Best of luck to you all!

This is now closed, thanks for taking part!


  1. Just found your site and love it. Great cards great work love the stamp sets used. I have you in my favorites for sure.Just got into copic's and love your work I am loving using my copics and these cute kid stamps are ideal.

  2. Have a great holiday I'm sure you desrve it.Thanks for the chance to win such cute images too.

  3. This is awesome, thank you for the chance to win!
    Have a nice holiday!

  4. ÅÅÅ! Dette var noen nydelige stempler. Har ikke vært borti dem før. Skal legge ut en link i sidebaren min og spre ordet videre.

    God sommer og nyt ferien godt!

  5. da har jeg lagt til candyen i min blogg:) det var noen lekkre stempler:)

  6. Ha en riktig fin ferie i Danmark!!
    Alltid kjekt å få muligheten til å vinne noen flotte stempler !!

  7. Så nydelige stempler!
    Håper du får en fin ferie!

  8. I just stumbled over your blog and one thing's for sure - I will definitely be back - such gorgeous cards you create!!!

  9. Очень симпатичные штампы!
    Very cut stamps!

  10. Oh, WOW, what FABULOUS candy, and I LOVE the cards you've made using the set.

    Have a great holiday, and I look forward to seeing some more marvellous creations when you get back.


    Judi xx

  11. I wish you a lot of fun in Danmark and thanks for the chance to win this great candy...

    Your cards are all so beuatiful!!!
    hugs Line

  12. Have a great holiday!!! And thanks for a chance to win!!!
    Hugs, Nadya

  13. Mr linky is down...I leave my link:

    Thanks for the candy

  14. Hope you have a wonderful holiday! Thanks so much for the chance to win this great candy - fingers crossed!

  15. Great cards Aud.. Thanks for a chance to win this new kit.. I have most of them now.. have started making cards now from them but your have done an outstanding job on yours.. you and the boys have a great vacation... know you will..

  16. Fantastisk flotte kort! Den er heldig den som vinner disse flotte stemplene! Håper du koser deg i Danmark!

  17. What a beautiful cards Aud,I love the images and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  18. Så vackra kort och underbara stämplar. Skulle gärna vinna dom!

    Ha en skön semester!

  19. Great cards, great blog, great candy! Greetings from Poland!

  20. Fabulous cards you have made with these stamps! Your colour work is amazing and I love how you have show cased them all differently with a range of papers. Thank you for the opportunity to win the stamps. Have a FANTASTIC holiday in Denmark. Warmest wishes, Lesley

  21. All your cards are great thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance to win

  22. Ha en flott ferie i Danmark!
    Og tusen takk for sjansen til å vinne den flotte candyen din!

  23. I hope you are enjoying your time in Danmark.
    Thanks for the chance to win this great candy, these images are adroable.

    Your cards are all so beautiful!!!
    Hugs & Blessings

  24. Håper ferien er super!
    Jeg blir gjerne med på trekningen av stemplene - de er jo knallsøte! Kortene du har brukt stemplene på er lekre, og du fargelegger helt fantastisk. Flott inspirasjon!
    ♥ Marianne

  25. Nydelige stempler! Vil bli kjempeglad hvis jeg skulle være heltig i trekningen.

    Kari :-)

  26. I love your work. so nice of you to do a candy.

    I hope your vacation was great.

    With love, Eveline

  27. Utrolig søte stempler du gir bort, også så imponerende at du viser et kort med hvert av dem, de er nyydelige alle sammen !!

  28. Håber du har det dejligt i Danmark. Vejret den dag I var i Djurs Sommerland blev jo ikke så værst-vi var der også :)
    Tak for muligheden for at vinde en flot sommercandy.
    klem fra Dorte

  29. Jag hoppas du har haft en skön semester. Stämplarna ser verkligen fina ut!
    kramar Ingela G

  30. Wonderful candy! Thanks for the chance to win :) Adding you to my sidebar.

  31. your cards are fabulous! thanks for sharing =)


  32. Håper du koser deg skikkelig i Danmark!
    Slenger meg på Candy`n din, så får du ha en skikkelig god ferie så lenge....

  33. What a lovely chance you're giving us with these gorgeous stamps! Thanks!

  34. Ohh my goodness, what a generous offering you have! Thank you for this sweet chance to win ~ I've linked and added to your blog and put your candy on my sidebar :) I hope you have a fun and wonderful vacation! Blessings, Kelly

  35. Have a great time.

    Lovely of you to have such yummy candy.

  36. Hi there, thank you for this opportunity to win this wonderful candy ! You've got a great blog ! Great work. I would like to invite you to visit my fresh blog
    Feel free to leave a comment or become a follower
    Have fun, greetings, Martina

  37. For en flott blog candy, Aud! Takk for muligheten til å vinne! :)

    Håper du koser deg på ferie!

    Stempelklem fra Monica :)

  38. I love your cards and the little images are just adorable!

  39. Замечательный сайт! замечательная конфета! всем удачи!!

  40. just found your blog
    what an lovely cards you've made
    the images are gorgeous
    thanks for the chance to win hun
    hugs angelique

  41. WOW, what a generous candy!
    Have a great summer!
    Bye, Jolanda

  42. Hei Aud
    Så flotte stempel du gir bort.Sitter her med fingrene og tær krysset !!!
    Flotte kort du har laga :-)
    Har linket i sidebaren min..
    Velkommen til meg,jeg har en liten bursdagscandy :-)


  43. Der skjedde det noe med kommentaren vet ikka hva beklager.

    Kjempeflotte kort du har laget med stemplene God insprasjon til de som er heldig å bli vinner.

  44. Very beautiful card!!! You are talented in colouring a lot - good job!!!

  45. Hei på hjørnet! Heldig som jeg var fant jeg bloggen din akkurat i inner-tieren! Flotte kort må jeg også få si! Og takk for en vinnermulighet!

    Hello on the corner! Thank you for the contest, thank you for beeing a corner at the web and thank you, thank you for make me writing this in english too! :)

  46. JUst found you lovely blog, have been having a look around it and thanks for the offer of a chance to win the candy.
    Hope you are having a fab holiday.
    Unable to get linky to accept my blog name, it accepted yours though here is mine



  47. Såg precis denna candy! Hoppas jag hinner vara med! Brukar ta en blogrunda på söndagar och du finns med på min lista med favoriter. Tack för din inspiration!


Takk for at du tittet innom bloggen min!
Legg gjerne igjen en kommentar, da blir jeg så glad! :o)

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