Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pixie Cottage ~ I'm the Guest Sketcher this Week!

I was so flattered and honored when Katie asked if I would like to be a guest sketcher for the Pixie Cottage blog!
Thank you girls, this was so much fun!
Soooo - this week you can participate using my sketch, and you can use the color orange if you like.

I've used this wonderful and posh South End Witch image by Pixie Cottage on my card, colored with Prismacolor pencils.
Smiley from

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Don't forget the blog candy at the SCACD blog, ends September 29th 11pm EST.
You can win fabulous new stamps that are being released tomorrow, designed by Elisabeth Bell and Victoria Case.
Come back here tomorrow September 30th, the SCACD DT will have a fab blog hop to show you all the new images!


  1. What a gorgeous card Aud.

    Hugs Riet.x

  2. Steike Aud
    Dette var virkelig flott. Jeg digger layouten og produktene er jo så flotte. Flaggermusene er herlige.
    Nydelig motiv.
    Ha en flott dag.
    Klem Gunn **

  3. Det er skikkelig morro å ha en norsk gjest hos oss, og i tillegg en trønder! Takk for ei kjempeflott skisse Aud, det var virkelig gøy å jobbe med den =) Kortet ditt er like nydelig som skissa!! Takk for at du tok deg tid til å være gjest hos oss!

    Klem fra Anne
    DT medlem hos the Pixie Cottage

  4. Just gorgeous!
    Thanks so much for creating this wonderful sketch and card for us at The Pixie Cottage, it was fabulous working with you :)

  5. Hvor en super flot kort har du lavet jeg kan god lide stempler og farverne er super jag laver aldrig halloween kortene men det er smukt
    Flagermusenrne er også so sød
    Venlig hilsen Tineke

  6. thank you for sharing your time and talent with us at the pixie cottage this week! super fun card. i love the black 'webbing' and your clouds!

  7. What a gorgeous card Aud! Your image is beautiful and your card is detailed perfectly! Thanks for being a guest at TPC and thanks for the inspirational sketch!

  8. Aud what a beautiful card, I love the little extra touches. I want to thank you for joining us this week at The Pixie Cottage, what a pleasure to have you!

  9. Wow! Your card is fabulous! I love the image background and the little bats.
    Thank you so much for giving us such a gorgeous sketch to work with, and providing us with such inspiration at the Pixie Cottage.
    Sharon xx

  10. Fab job with the sketch Aud! Lovely details and colors on the card!


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