Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Sketchers # 124 ~ Fall Card

Hi friends! At the Friday Sketchers blog today it's my turn to be the hostess and have my sketch up - fun!
I've used one of the wonderful new stamps from SCACD, called 1st Leaf of Fall. I colored with Prismacolor pencils, and added some QuicKutz leaves and a tag.

Check out the wonderful cards made by my DT sisters over at the Friday Sketchers blog, hope you'll find inspiration to make a card and take part in the challenge, there's a great prize to win sponsored by Simon Says Stamp.

Take a look at the blogs of my Talented DT sisters too; Bea, Claudia, Inge, Jacque, Janneke, Jeanette and Tanja.

A big, happy newsbitz for you: We have a new member on our DT! My good friend, the fabulously talented Jorunn is joining our group! Welcome Jorunn, so happy to have you with us!

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

And some more exciting news! Susana at SCACD is one of the first ones to present the gold and silver Flower Soft! Just think of all the great possibilites of embellisihing the X-mas cards with this fun product! You'll find it →here!

And you really need to check out these
new flowers as well, they are gorgeous, I want them all! *LOL*


  1. Oi, nå var det lenge siden jeg har lagt igjen en kommentar til deg (jeg har vært på besøk, men bare kikket).

    Fin skisse (tegner av og sparer til senere), og flott kort, som alltid. Fint å se et høst-kort som ikke er helt orange, gult og rødt!

    og fargeleggingen - den har jeg vel sagt noe om før, er stadig like imponert!

  2. Flott kort, med flotte farger og spennende skisse du har laget...


  3. Oh what a sweetheart of a card, its adorable.

  4. So beautiful card Aud,I love the image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  5. Thank you Aud for the lovely sketch ;o)
    Your card is awesome, love the stamp you used ...
    Have a great weekend

    Hugs, Janneke

  6. hello aud, my friend,

    your card is really lovely and so cute. looks so pretty.

    thank you so much for the funny sketch, it was pure fun to work with.

    big hugs and a wonderful weekend to you


  7. Thanks for a great sketch, I will be adding my first entry very soon, hugs Jac

  8. Wonderful card sweetie and thanks so much for this great sketch! It was real fun!

    Have a lovely sunday, Hugs Tanja

  9. Such a sweet card, love your prisma pencil coloring!

    Thanks for this weeks great sketch Aud, I've had so much fun playing with it:-D

    Inge xx


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