Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Sketchers # 130 ~ Skatin' Friends

Hi friends! Another week flown by! I tell you, life's pretty hectic this time of year, not much time to make cards... But here's one I managed to finish today, using the wonderful sketch made by sweet Jeanette over at the Friday Sketchers blog. It's really great for those larger stamps, so if you have some unused large images, now is the time to bring them out!

I used these cute bears from Craft UK on my card, I really like to color bears! They get so soft and cuddly looking with Prismacolor pencils. Added some chunky felt snowflakes, rhinestones and pearls, and we're ready to go skating!
Figure Skating
Check out the wonderful cards made by my DT sisters over at the Friday Sketchers blog, hope you'll find inspiration to make a card and take part in the challenge, there's a great prize to win sponsored by Lauretta's Digital Stamps.

Take a look at the blogs of my Talented DT sisters too; Bea, Claudia, Inge, Jacque, Janneke, Jeanette, Jorunn and Tanja.

Have a lovely weekend all!


  1. Åååå så utrolig søtt!! Herlige farger du har brukt - love it!!:-)
    God helg Aud. Klem

  2. Hi Aud
    aww totally gorgeous card, super cute image, awesome colouring, lovely papers & design, sue,x

  3. nämen så sött!!! Jättefint motiv och vilka läckra färger du använt dig av :)

    trevlig helg och härlig första advent!

    KRAM Petra

  4. This is lovely ! pretty card, great colors, greetings, martina

  5. Love your skating bears! Warmest wishes, Lesley


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