Saturday, December 04, 2010

"Card of the Year" Challenge at StampARTic

Today I'm reposting a card I made earlier this year, it's for Marianne's challenge over at StampARTic today:

"My challenge for you all today is to pick one of your own cards, that you have made this year, and send it to StampARTic.
It can be your most beautiful card, a card that mean something special to you, a special feeling you had when you made this card, or a special person you made the card for. "

I chose this card because I like the image, the colors, and that it kind of came together as I went along. It's made for the Friday Sketchers blog, sketch #102 (here's my post in May). It was quite a challenging sketch.
- And I enjoyed making a goth inspired card, there's a lot of cuuuuuute going on most of the time! *LOL*

I used a cool digi stamp called Always the Flower Girl by Tiddly Inks on my card. Another fun thing I got to do was to use a scull charm, they're so cool! I colored her with my Prismas, the sentiment is by Whipper Snapper Designs.


  1. So beautiful card Aud,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers and the details.

    Hugs Riet.x

  2. Superb card !! great job, lovely done,
    greetings, martina

  3. Its a very original card! Beautiful made!
    Have a nice day, Ageeth

  4. Ett superfint val av kort gumman!!
    VAd roligt att du vill vara med i Mariannes lilla "Utmaning" :D
    Kortet är toppenfint!!

    Stor kraM Petra

  5. Such a beautiful card Aud,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers and the details.

  6. Det kan ikke ha vært lett å velge bare ett kort blandt alle dine nydelige kort Aud!
    Men dette kortet er helt fantastisk!!!! Så mange detaljer at jeg bare blir sittende å se og se, og flotte farger som liksom smelter i hverandre. Et råflott kort!!!
    Tusen takk for at du ble med på utfordringen min hos StampARTic, og lykke til.
    Ha en koselig førjulstid!
    Klemmer fra Marianne:)

  7. This is probably one of the most beautiful cards I have EVER seen! WOW!!! I love, love, love it!!!


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