Welcome! ~ Velkommen!
Here, in my little corner of bloglandia, is my blog about my crafts. Until recentley I've blogged about my card making. Now, in 2011, I'll try to do different things also, such as sewing (patchwork), knitting, crochet, baking, along with some card making...
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aud

Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Finally it's time for a new blog candy here at My Little Corner!
For no special reason, just for fun! Smiley from millan.net
I've gathered some of the things I like the most, purchased lots of it at Susana's SCACD, and in fact some of the goodies are kindly given by Susana to this candy time!
Thanks sweetie! Smiley from millan.net

All you have to do is to leave your blog link with Mr. Linky. If you do not have a blog, write a comment to tell me, and I'll add your name to Mr. Linky.
I will pick a winner on October 1st 9 PM CET, (using Random.org) so you have two weeks to get on board!

To get a closer look, just click the pictures.

What you'll get is:

* Belle UM stamp

* Emma UM stamp
* Mini Kyra UM stamp
* Le Miserable UM stamp
* Tiny Ladybug UM stamp
* Panda Clear stamp
* EK Success Morocco Lace Slim Edge Border Punch
* EK Success Rock Fern Punch
* Petaloo flowers
* Paper roses
* BasicGrey Eerie paper pad
* Snowflake charms, gold and silver
* Butterfly metal embellies
* Lace
* Ribbons
* Flower Soft
* Paper Bliss winter stickers
* Circle lace napkins
* Maya Road Accordion book, chip board
* Kaisercraft pearls
* Robin's Nest tear Drops, Sunflower Seeds
* Spunkette EZmounted stamp from Susana
* Autumn UM stamp from Susana
* Aud UM stamp from Susana
* Swarkowski crystals from Susana
* Fun buttons from Susana

If you want to mention my candy on your blog, it's of course OK to do so, but you don't have to! No Strings Attached! Smiley from millan.net




Hildegunn said...

For en lekker candy du har lagt ut her.
Jeg melder meg mer enn gjerne på i håp om å vinne dette.

Ha en flott kveld!

eba said...

wow, den var lekker! Heldige den som vinner denne! :)

Ludkasz said...

wow, beautiful candy:-)

Linny said...

Hei. For en trolig bra candy du har satt sammen :)
Var innom bloggen din også! Både den og candyen gir meg massse inspirasjon!

Kristin said...

Utrolig lekker blogcandy! :D
Skal krysse fingrer for denne her, ja! ;)
Det er masse av dette som står på ønskelista mi, ja... ;)

Francesca said...

Can't skip this candy, it's soooo great!

strahli said...

Geat Candy!

Mette said...

Hej hej

Hvilken super candy og du er maegtig sod at tilbyde det til en heldig vinder. Desvaerre har jeg ikke for tiden en blog men min e-mail addresse er mettereedman@btinternet.com

Caro's Kaartjes said...

WOWIE Aud, you're too kind!
What a great candy!
And that the day before my birthday! I am having a candy on my bloggie tomorrow. Be sure to check it out!

Happy Stampin'!

Hege said...

Her var det mye godis ja!
Slenger meg med i trekningen av premien.

Unknown said...

wow,,, for en Candy!!!!

Takk for sjangsen til å vinne denne!


Scrapbookdoll said...

hi, i would love to enter your blogcandy but i don't have a blog i just have te emailadres from google
love your work by the way :-)

Brogaard said...

Nøjj en lækker blogcandy.

Lauretta See said...

wow this is an awsome candy wow
thanks for a chance of winning it:))


Brandi said...

What awesome candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!



❤ Kaia said...

For en candy !!!!
Jeg vil gjerne være med, og få muligheten til å vinne denne.
Nydelige stempler, og masse digg.....
Lykke til alle sammen.
Klem fra Kaia

Anonymous said...

Fabulous candy Aud...I will leave a link on my sidebar.
Carole x

Sissel Anita said...

Det var masse fint i den blog candy'en. Den som vinner denne får mange timers moro :-)

Gunn (Merete) said...

Denne var lekker. Så flott at du legger ut noe bare fordi du har lyst og på gøy. Jeg pleier ikke å ha flaks, men det er lov å håpe.
Klem Gunn

Birgit said...

Det var en utrolig flott candy :-) heldig er den som blir vinner.

Nancy said...

ÅÅÅ for en flott blog candy. Heldig den som vinner.... Takker for muligheten:O)
Klem, Nancy;O)

Mae said...

I love just for fun!!! Great candy offer & Thanks for the chance!!!

Dicky said...

Wow, such an amazing candy. The winner is a lucky girl!

Mary said...

Må være den lekkreste candyen jeg har sett på en stund. Vil gjerne delta,har bursdag 1 oktober,så eg krysser fingrene:))

scrappinpeg said...

Hi Aud...... Thank you so much for hosting a blog candy giveaway. Lots of fun goodies...... Hope you are doing well. I enjoy looking at your blog. Take care and big hugs..... Peggy Biggs - Zachary, Louisiana..... USA

My name is Wynneth said...

Fabulous Candy you are offering here Aud, I've added my blog to Mr Linky and mentioned your Candy on my blog :0)


Ina said...

Wow, what a candy. Who doesn't want to win that one. I sure do. But I don't have a blog, so please add my name to Mr Linky
Thanks very much

Maria said...

You are the sweetest Aud! Thanks for the chance to win your very generous blog candy. Hugs, Maria

Karen said...

Very cool. Your blog is so cute, as are your projects. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

Riina said...

Thanks for the chance to win this amazing blog candy! :)

Tanya said...

Fantastic candy!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!!!!

Snuppelure said...

wow for en utrolig lekker candy:)))
Så snill du er :))

Gunilla/Nilla said...

Du skapar så fantastiskt mycket fina saker så självklart vill jag vara med i din fantastiska bloggcandy.

Ha en fin dag.

Unknown said...

hi aud, thank you so much for the wonderful candy. i have shown it on my blog.
big hugs, bea

fie & Co said...

WOW, en fantastisk blog candy, jeg kender slet ikke stemplerne og ville MEGET gerne kigge nærmere på dem;0)

Monica Høiskar said...

Det var en super candy, Aud! Jeg blir veldig gjerne med i trekningen! :)

Har ikke blog, men jeg er Monica på PL. :)

Ha en fortsatt fin dag! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, jwg vil gerne vinde din blogcandy. Har desværre ingen blog, men jeg vil fortælle alle mine veninder om din ;o) Tak for god inspiration. KH 10na-Danmark

SemSee said...

WOW, what amazing candy! Thank youso much for the chance to win. I've put a link onto my Candy Bar, plus I've pic-linked this wonderful candy in the sidebar of my blog! Thanks again! Hugs, Sem x

Anonymous said...

Hei Aud!
JEg har ikke noen blog jeg... men veldig lyst til å bli med på dette!! Tenk så moro det ville vært om jeg vant da, jeg som ALDRI vinner en liten sjokolade på skolekorpsets lotteri en gang!!

Hilsen Benthe H.

Anonymous said...

Hei Aud, jeg har ikke blogg men håper å kunne være med i trekningen alikevel.....
Fantastisk flotte ting du har i den pakka du!

Klem fra ejje

Alice said...

Thanks for this fantastic candy!! I've just put a link to my candybar!

ilaria said...

thanks for chanche of winning!

eule said...

wow, what a great candy!
I have you in my sidebar links.


Kjellaug said...

Så lekker candy....smashing.
Blir gjerne med i trekkninga på denne herlige saken.

Wenche J. said...

Så lekker candy! Og så mye flott det er å se i bloggen din!!

dragon said...

What fantastic candy.. Thanks for the chance to win..

Lynn xx

Ingunn said...

Så fin blogcandy!
Sier ikke neitakk til denne, nei.

Klæm fra Ingunn

Anonymous said...

Hej Aud.
Jeg tager da også gerne et lod til din super lækre candy..
Jeg har desværre ikke nogen blog, men tak for chancen for at vinde alligevel..
Hilsen Tina F. :-)

Evendim said...

Wow, fantastisk blog candy!!
Tack för chansen att vinna detta!

Hälsningar från Sverige =)

Sheila said...

This is extremely sweet to share your blog candy with us.

Thanks so much,


LV said...

What a lovely array of goodies you have. I am sure most everyone would like to win any one of them. You are a very creative person. I bet the candy is mouth watering.

Gail said...

Sweet candy! I'm game for a sugar high!

Elen Kristine said...

Super blogcandy, denne hadde vært kjekk å fått for en forholdsvis nybegynner:) Masse god inspirasjon i bloggen din, nydelige kort!

Gro said...

For en super candy! Heldige den som vinner dette, har meldt meg på jeg også!

Elen Kristine said...

Super blogcandy, denne hadde vært kjekk å fått for en forholdsvis nybegynner:) Masse god inspirasjon i bloggen din, nydelige kort!

Kaija said...

Fantastik candy!
Jag vill vara med att vinne detta:)

Aina said...

Wow, her var det mye lekkert! Den som vinner denne er jammen heldig...Håper selvfølgelig at det er meg :O)

fietske said...

great candy! can i join? dont have a blog so... thanks!
love fietske

Anonymous said...

Aud,what great candy!! How kind of you to offer this candy for no reason in peticular at all.
Thank you for a chance to win that.
I will put a link on my blog: Stempelientje
Greetings from Holland from Stempelientje.

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

What fab candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win it!

Solveig said...

Åååå her var mye flott!!!
Gjerne med i den trekningen! :-)

Ha ei fin helg!

tas said...

Oi!Oi! mye fint :) :)Der var det
Måtte jo bare være med på denne,ja !!
God helg !

Roberts79 said...

wow fantastic b-candy! bye

Tracy said...

Fabulous candy, thanks for the chance of winning.
Hugs Tracy x

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, what nice stuff you´ve got! I hope I get lucky!!

Have a nice day!

// Thyllan

Leah l'Orange said...

wow, amazing candy, and BEAUTIFUL blog! thank you for the opportunity! i am now following, and i've posted your candy in my sidebar to spread the word!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

What amazing, generous candy you are offering! I have linked a post on my sidebar and thank you for the chance to win.


Heidi said...

For en fantastisk candy, vil gjerne prøve å vinne denne:o)

har ikke blog, men krysser fingrene for at jeg vinner!

sandra said...

This is great candy!
Hope to win!

Kathinka said...

You have truly picked fantastic candy. I would just love to win.
Sorry, I have no blog but I love to follow yours.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, so please add my name to Mr Linky!!

ScrappingHappy said...


Michelle said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I have linked you to my sidebar!

Annie said...

WOW.. Christmas comes early. Absolutely fabulous candy and great blog to boot!

Thanks Annie

Aline Fonseca said...

Amazing Candy and just for fun!

Thanks for this chance to win such gorgeous goodies!

*Brazilian Hugs to you* : )

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Wow, sweet candy. I posted your treats on my sidebar, but I don't know how to upload your picture there :(... Thanks for the chance, talk about awesome!

Gosia said...

Fantastic blog and super candy.Thanks for the chance to win.Hugs from Poland

Ksenia said...

Fantastic candy!

Iskra said...

Linking you on my blog. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Linda Brun said...

Kjempefin Candy !
Linker deg selvfølgelig til Bloggen min


Sun_Shine_ said...

For en herlig Candy!
Hadde vært morsomt å vinne den.

Har bilde og link til Candyen i min blogg.

Unknown said...

great blog ;) thanks for a chance to win the blog candy :)

i have added a post about it on my blog :)

tc from melody :)

Unknown said...

my blog :


Cynthia Lloréns said...

Thanks for the chance to win this amazing blog candy!

Anonymous said...

what a great canddy!
you're too kind!
i dont heve a blog. thanks for a chane to wining it.
love your work by the way/

Fiese_Friesin said...

HI Aud,

what a amazing candy, I love it.
Thank you for the chance to win it.
Big greetings from the north sea coast of germany

Anonymous said...

fantastic candy.. Thanks for the chance to win..


carpediem said...

What great blog candy! I don't have a blog so would appreciate being linked up to Mr.Linky! laura j

Lena said...

Alltid roligt med en candy, och vilken candy!! Håller tummarna:) Kikar ofta in här för att få inspiration!

Anonymous said...


what a wonderful candy! Unfortunately I haven´t a blog...so sorry!
But I love your blog!


Daniela from Germany

Jeanet van der Lee said...

What a great candy. I hope (from Holland) I can join your candy?

Sara L said...

I am greatly enjoying the Stampers United blog hop and came upon your blog as well. What a great opportunity for some new candy! Very different from my style (the stamps), but I'm always trying new things and evolving! Thank you! BTW, I have some of the same music on my blog too!

Towanda said...

very nice candy, see you

Laila said...

Flott candy!!! Håper du har hatt en fin helg :)
Hilsen Laila

Lucia said...

Very nic blog candy, and also your blog and your work are wonderful!

I haven't a blog, may I join the same?


Lucia (Italy)

Donna said...

Wow Aud, Such wonderful Candy!
Love your work and your blog. x

Annie13 said...

Wooooow .. such a great candy to win, it's a bit like winning the lottery. I love your cards but don't have a blog of my own yet.
Greetings from Belgium, Annie

tanja said...

wow this is an awsome candy wow
thanks for a chance of winning it:))
by by tanja

Lourdes said...

Amazing candy...thanks for the chance to win!

I've posted your candy in my blog http://dekoparty.multiply.com/journal/item/8/Blog_Candy_until_october_1st_



Ori said...

would love the candy, so I join in :)
Have linked your blog in my candy bar on my blog.
Thanks for making this opportunity

annette said...

wow for en blog candy
denne var lekker

Minelis said...

Ohh WOW!!!!! For en fantastisk BlogCandy du har lagt ut a gitt. Har LITT lyst på den ja;)

Gro said...

Håper det blir meg...... ;-) ;-)


Luciana said...

Blog candy is a fabulous!!
Greetings from Italy!!

Eline said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eline said...

Fantastisk candy du har laget! Blir gjerne med i trekningen av disse flotte sakene.

Linket i bloggen min =)
Ha en fin dag

alexmarv said...

Hi very nice blog... i'm not a scrapbooker, but my girlfriend is so beautiful when do scrapbooking, if i win i can do a good present to her:)

Anonymous said...

wow!I'm Giusi an italian scrapper and i like very much your candy. I begun scrapbooking only few months ago and i find your beautiful blog rich of contents and ideas. i haven't got a blog so i leave you my email address: giusyroviezzo@hotmail.it
thank you very much :)

Rosalien Zwackhalen said...

Wauw, beautifull candy!!

Card Making Nut Jo said...

Yummy delishious candy! Thank you for the opportunity to win! I have linked you from my side bar on my blog :) GL to all!

sherri said...

I don't have a blog but would love for you to enter me! Thanks!

suzi*1 said...

What a nice candy.
Thank you for the chance to win it.

bombamagagna said...

ciao, sono barbara, ho pubblicato il tuo link e blog candy :)

ТаСиЧкА said...

This is a great Candy!!!! Thanks for the chance to win !!!!!

Karina said...

Wow, what lovely candy! I'm not lucky in winning blog candies, but I try my luck nevertheless. Who knows... I just linked you in my blog.
Love from Karina

Bente said...

Sååå mye flott:=)

Unknown said...

A Great Candy ....


Lisbeths kort og scrap said...

Jeg er ny på blogging, og det er første gang jeg prøver meg på en candy - denne var FLOTT. Bloggen er også flott, kommer nok til å besøke den igjen for mer inspirasjon, ja.

Trine said...

Fytttikatta for en flott blogcandy!
Jeg må bare hive meg med på dette, og krysse fingrene for litt hell. Hihi!
Du har utrolig mye fint i bloggen din! Artig å stikke innom for å kikke og få litt inspirasjon!

Inger Marie said...

Nydelig blogcandy :)
Jeg vil gjerne være med og krysser fingrene for at jeg blir den heldige:)
Klem fra Inger Marie

Caterina said...

What fab candy! You're very kind! Thanks for the chance to win! i've added a link on my blog! Congratulations on your stamping!

Pernilla said...

Ja, her var de mange som gjerne vil vinne candy. Jeg kan bare si at heldig er den som vinner.
Jeg må bare passe på og skryte over bloggen din samtidlig, du lager så mye fint og deler med deg av mange fine forklaringe.



Clara said...

What fabulous blog candy. Claudia I don't have a blog but please add me to Mr. Linky. Thanks.

Clara Newsome

Anne B. said...

I don't have a blog, so will you add my name to the list, please! :) Yummy blog candy.

abackman66 at hotmail.com

Natalie Z said...

Hi Aud!
I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy". http://fifishobby.blogspot.com

Thanks for a chance to win!
Hugs Fifi.

Unknown said...

The lace is gorgeous! I can't find anything like that around here. Your blog candy is most generous. Please thank your friend for us. do not have a blog but I have favorited you.
Sharon L

vicky said...

What a beautiful candy and what a great blog!
Sorry, i don't have my own blog...

kellyjean said...

How very sweet of you!

Holley (Tondre) Barnhart said...

What wonderful blog candy! How generous of you!

Hugs, Holley

Unknown said...

What a great, great candy! That's so kind of you. Thank you for the chance to win!

I linked your your candy to my blog.


Sol said...

Hei Aud! Sååååå artig! Dine stempler var noen av de første stemplene mine for noen år siden... Og er fortsatt høyt verdsatt! Selvfølgelig kommer du med i bloggen min! :)

Julye said...

Brilliant candy thanks for the chance to win Julye

shortyrose said...

Your blog is wonderful!!!
I linked your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy.

Greetings from Germany

Hilde said...

For en flott candy, den vil jeg gjerne være med på. Jeg har ikke
blog. Mye lekkert i blogen din!

Bon said...

Wow! Great candy! I'm already a followers. Thanks for the chance to win! Link on my side bar at: http://bonscraft.blogspot.com/

Kristine said...

Dette vil jeg gjerne være med på. Har dessverre ikke blogg, så tusen takk for at jeg får muligheten uansett.
Vinneren er jammen meg heldig!

Anonymous said...

Wooooow....thanks for a chance.
i put the link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Lovely blog and would love to take part in the candy (I don't have a blog). Ciao. Vale in Italy valeriavaleria [at] gmail [dot] com

Diamantin said...

Thank you for the chance to win such a beautiful candy…

Trine Pedersen said...

Vanvittig flott candy som jeg har superlyst til å vinne. :)
Jeg er ofte inne på bloggen din og studerer alt det vakre du lager.

Laurane said...

Hi Aud
Saw a link to your blog and glad I came to visit - your cards are lovely and a real inspiration.
Laurane x

Anonymous said...

Å, så mye flott... Her krysses alt av fingre :) Håper du har en flott helg :)

Tonje said...

Wow, fantastisk candy! Såååå mange godsaker å vinne. Jeg blir gjerne med på trekningen av dette. Krysser fingre og tær! Takk skal du ha.

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice candy. I don't have a blog. Can add my name in?


Anonymous said...


Woooow.. That is a great candy...

Thank you for the chance to win (takk takk.)

Eni said...

wonderful candy - i've linked it in my sidebar
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it.

Bianca said...

Thanks for the chance to win!! :-)



Sanne said...

Vilken underbar och generös bloggcandy!!!
Vill ju inte missa chansen! ;o)
Kram, Sanne

Il calderone di Sara said...

thx for this candy and for the chance to win!

Jill said...

ohh what amazing candy thank you so much for the chance to win hugs Jill xx

Petra-mooibanaan said...

What a wonderful candy!
You're such a sweetheart to surprise us with so much lovely things!
I love your Blog!

AbcHobby.it said...

your candy is a wonderful candy!!! wow... you're very generous!
thanks for the chance!! I've left a link on my candy box

hugs from italy

StacyC said...

Thanks for a chance at some awesome candy...

Melissa said...

What lovely candy! Thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great blog candy.
As I don't have a blog I will post my comment here.
Marie-José from the Netherlands

zuila said...

Thanks for this fantastic candy! I've just put a link to my candybar!

Ameis said...


Wow, what a great blog candy. Thx for the change to win.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance of winning your beautiful candy! lovely blog I shall keep visiting! great inspiration! Samantha :0)

Shirley N said...

You have a lovely blog. Thanks for the chance of winning your generous candy!

Ελευθερία said...

Hi there!! wonderfull candy you have!!! I started scrapbooking a few months ago and I am still gathering stuff!!!
Thank you for a chance to win!!!
keep up the good work!!!

Domna said...

Hi! Super candy!!! I want it!!! :))))
Link on my sidebar

Ineke Original said...

I just love blog candy!
greetings from Holland,

Bende said...

Wow super candy,thanks for the chance to win.

Monique Kools said...

What a nice candy.
I don't know if I did the correct steps. But I have your candy on my blog , linked to your blog.

greetings Monique

jorgenson1717 said...

I don't have a blog but would love to be in the drawing.

The blog candy you are giving away is wonderful!

thank you!


Hildes kort said...

For en kjempecandy du har lagt ut...dette vil jeg nå gjerne være med på...

Anonymous said...

Masse flotte ting her. Krysser fingre og tær!!!

Linda Peo. said...

What aa fabulous candy....it's a whole candy dish full!

Marit said...

Underbar candy!

Stor klem!

Mirabelka said...

Best wishes from Poland from Mirabelka's Corner :)

Катерина said...

Great candy! Oh I wish I could have it!

Carmen O. said...

Wow what fabulous candy! Thanks for the chance to win. You're so generous!

Sandy said...

Wonderful candy! Would love to have a chance to win

WILMA said...

Dear Aud,
Wonderfull candy! Thank you for the chance. Great blog you have!

slinkycat said...

Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy! xx

Cecilie said...

For en herlig blog candy!!!!
Jeg vil selvfølgelig være med:-)

OLLYA said...

Thank you for the chance to win!

OLLYA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Нюка said...

Beautifull candy!!! Thank you!

Sylvianne said...

I can't put your link because I don't blog, but I'd like be the winner..

Carol Meadows said...

I have a new blog but not sure if the link will go to it just yet. I like the work you do and bet you have fun making your own stamps. Lucky YOU! thanks for a chance to win some goodies ! Carol in Texas / carolswingster77@aol.com / http://stampn4scraps.blogspot.com

Queen La Rubba said...

HI! Thank you for the candy opportunity! I like that there is no reason behind your give away. Just for Fun! I have added you to my page and I am a follower. I like your blog and I love your work.

SARA said...

wow fantastico!!!!!!!!!!! i'mitalian sorry for english!!! beautiful blog candy :))))) speriamo di vincere
Sara Pieri

AbraKassSandra said...

what a fabulous candy. As I would like to start making Cards - this would just be the right starter Set for me. So I'll participate. *** good Luck for all ***

irene said...

Hi your blog is great! :)

Rochelle said...

Your artwork is simply beautiful. You have certainly mastered the art of copic coloring. Thanks for the opportunity to win some wonderful non-fattening candy :-)


Karin said...

Hej Aud, här är en hälsning från Sverige! Vilken fin blogg du har med en underbar bloggcandy. Jag hoppas på tur! Nu ska jag kiak runt här lite mer.

Anonymous said...

Oh please enter me for the blog candy!! I don't have a URL and/or blog, :( but if I did I would certianly add you and your wonderful site/creations!

Gro said...

Hadde ikke vært meg imot om jeg ble den som stakk av med seieren her... :-)
Masse fint....
Og jammen var det ikke i siste lita for at jeg meldte meg på.

Ha en fin kveld, blir spennende å se hvem som vinner.


Anonymous said...

For en super flott candy du har! Den skulle jeg veeeldig gjerne vinne:-) Takk for en inspirerende blogg:-)

Anna E.G.E (har ikke blogg)

Unknown said...

Wow, what a fab. candy!! Really great! Thank you soooo much for offering! =)
Have a nice day
hugs Nina

Νένα said...

Thanks for the chance to win your very generous blog candy.

Anita L said...

Utrolig lekker candy du har laget, så nå måtte jeg faktisk skrive meg opp på en sånn trekning for første gang :)

die Trollschwester said...

Hey :)

A wonderful Blog and a stunning Blog Candy! I hope :)

Here is the Link




Little Moos and My Creative Pink. said...

Just added my name to Mr. Linky. I would love to win those stamps. I have been seeing that style around and really like it. Thanks for this chance..

Unknown said...

oh just added my little ole name to mr linky, brill candy your offering thanks - judie xx

Tracey said...

hiya xxx
thank you so much for a chance to win your lovely candy i would love to give this a home.

angel wishes tracey x