Welcome! ~ Velkommen! Here, in my little corner of bloglandia, is my blog about my crafts. Until recentley I've blogged about my card making. Now, in 2011, I'll try to do different things also, such as sewing (patchwork), knitting, crochet, baking, along with some card making... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Audღ
Johan ville også ha en helket lue med "mega-dusk" slik som storebror Magnus fikk. Fargene har han valgt selv. Det var en lykkelig gutt som våknet i dag tidlig og kunne ta på seg den nye lus for første gang!
Johan wanted a crochet hat with "mega-pompon" like his older brother Magnus got. He chose the colors him self. It was a very happy boy that got out of bed this morning and could try on his new hat for the first time!
Kjempefin og fargerik lue:)
Stilig lue, da!
Your blog is very beautiful! Congratulations! I'm following... I invite you to meet my blog: Criações em família & cia. !
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